I’ve had a severe case of blogger’s block here recently. It’s not really helped by lots of things going through my head that prevent me from thinking about content for this website. As I’ve been blogging for nearly six years I thought I’d share some snippets of this blog back through those years and I’ll focus on posts I created on 6 Feb, or the closest date to it.
My first February on Semantically driven was in 2005. Around this time of year the Big Day Out festival happens in Australia. I haven’t been for ten years and in 2005 I kind of really wanted to go but for various reasons didn’t. Therefore I had a Big Day In.
In February 2006 was the last time we were over in Kangaroo Island. As you’ll see from the photo in this post the beach near where we stayed was absolutely gorgeous and the photo is one of my most viewed on Flickr.
On 6 February 2007 I wrote about an entry I wrote for Blogging for Books. I don’t think this competition exists any more and I rarely write for online competitions any more probably because my imagination seems to have left the building.
This time two years ago I spoke at my first conference. It was really scary but all the same I’m glad it’s something I’ve now done.
This time last year I was thinking of taking action. The action I was thinking of taking hasn’t really happened but I’m quite okay with that.
This year, a new school year has just started and we’re well and truly back into the routine of school lunches, drop-offs, pick-ups, working, Scouts, sport (nearly) and the social whirl that is February and March around these parts with various events.
JJ has a friend around at the moment whom he met at the Gold Coast last July. He and his mum have moved back to Adelaide where her family is. His mum was here for a bit earlier but she has gone to visit her brother. I recommended leaving her son here while she does that. Him and JJ will be fine, although I’d better get them some lunch. And so it goes on.
I’m hoping that after doing some units with other unis Feral Beast will be returning to UNISA soon, too LOL.