A couple of months ago I received the phone from Sony Ericsson, like the picture to the left, to try out and review if I so wished.
I’ve now done this and I’m going to give it away. I’m locked into a contract with my current phone and it doesn’t seem worth having another phone sitting around doing nothing.
What you need to do to win it:
- Write about why you would like to win it on your blog. It doesn’t have to be a long entry. Make it funny, add pictures. Do what you like, so long as it conveys why you want this phone.
- Link to my blog – https://semanticallydriven.com within your entry.
- Leave a comment on this post so I know that you’ve entered.
- Do this by the witching hour on Friday 31 October (midnight on 31 October incase I’m muddled about what the witching hour is).
What would be nice for you to do:
- One of the conditions for me keeping it was to donate money to a charity – ‘Clean Up Australia‘ has been nominated. I’m still going to do this and if you win and feel so inclined to donate then that would be great. Even if you don’t win and feel so inclined to donate that would be great.
Disclaimers and further information:
- It doesn’t have a SIM card. You’ll need to supply your own.
- It’s not locked to any particular Australian phone network.
- For people outside Australia, it might not work with mobile phone providers so this is only open to Australian readers.
What you get
You might win the phone but even if you don’t I will post links to all the bloggers that participated during the next couple of weeks and at the end.
For even more information about the phone – read these reviews from Neerav, John Lampard, Lee, Ben and Greg.
Good luck.
hi Jen
I’ll be in it … if I don’t forget.
Do you the strike of clock from Thursday to Friday 11.59pm 30th … or Friday to Saturday ?
Trish, I’ll put reminders up to enter this competition so hopefully you won’t forget. It closes at the end of 31 October, so midnight on Friday 31 October. Hope that helps.
Hi Jen
thanks for linking to my review
I just told all my friends via http://twitter.com/neerav and Facebook about your competition so hopefully you get many more competition entries
Thanks Neerav, I’m sure that will help. Cheers.
Hi Jen,
Have put your competition up at Prizetastic ๐ Will try and get the word out for you…… It’s definately a great competition.
Thanks Prizetastic, much appreciated.
Thanks for hosting such a great competition. I’ve entered.
Hi Jen,
Thanks so much for the Competition offer, it has come at the right time for me and the bad luck I have been having with my Mobiles here and in Singapore.
Here is my entry >>>
Hi Jen
Sorry – I forgot to include my entry link in my previous comment.
Hi Jen, I’ve entered the competition on my blog. Here’s the link to the post http://ediblemoments.blogspot.com/2008/10/ode-to-my-mobile.html . What a great prize!!! I’m also very glad to have found your blog and have added you to my google reader ๐
What a great prize, Jen – how excitement!! How it is on regional and Next G stuff?
I will definitely try and get my entering skates on.
Jeanie, good question. I’ll have to ask Sony Ericsson about that one. I used my NextG phone’s sim card for this phone and it worked fine but I didn’t use it in a regional area to test the range. I’ll get back to you.
Jeanie RE: Next G and regional performance, this is ultimately determined by the network operator – Telstra, Optus, Vodafone etc. The phone will hold up well provided the network operator has strong service in that area. Most of them do. I have a phone number to call if needed.
Hi Jen, Can’t wait to see who wins this comp! My hubby & I certainly have our fingers crossed!! All the best!
whew I finally did it but forgot to tell you almost
Opps my comment has been marked as spam … help.
I finally did it but it doesn’t link the link …
Trish, I gottit. I’ve been away from the computer for a day but you’re in.
So who won????
well done on choosing! Congrats Yvonne! I will envy you from a distance ๐