JJ has been at school and I’ve been back at work for two weeks now. Bring back the holidays!!
Why do busy routines get me down so much? Is it because if they don’t go according to plan I feel like I’m losing control for a moment? I don’t really know.
We’ve had a few days of quite warm weather and the accompanying lack of sleep doesn’t help myself or himself. On top of that we had a parent acquaintance evening tonight which meant coming home from work, quickly doing his spelling words, having an argument about lost lunchboxes and missing things, and gulping some dinner down far too quickly before going along to the teacher’s talk.
Tomorrow evening JJ’s scout group has a fishing excursion which means I have to take him there, hang around and try to help even though I don’t really like fishing and don’t know anything about it. I will try to be enthusiastic because it will be a good bonding experience for him and me.. But I really just want that hour or so to myself to decompress, and pop into the library as I have a book on hold. Now I won’t be able to get it until Friday or Saturday.
But wait. Cricket starts on Saturday. Or it might if there are enough year 2/3’s who want to play. Apparently there aren’t. Last year there were too many kids for the team and now there aren’t enough. Maybe the year 2’s don’t know about it yet. While I like him to play sport, the Saturday morning lie-in instead of sport is quite alluring. That and not having to worry about him having an early enough night so he’s not too grumpy the next morning.
Over the next two weeks at work I have to go five days worth of training the other side of town. This means I’ll have to drive to work (I normally catch the bus) and the journey will take a good 40 minutes each way (it currently takes me about 20). I’ll also be showing someone the ropes of my job because I’ll be acting in another position for four weeks and someone else will be backfilling mine.
But it’s not all doom and gloom. It’s just busy.
I miss the carefree times of being able to go to bed pretty much whenever I want because I didn’t have to be rudely awoken by my alarm clock at a certain time like I was this morning. My sleep was so deep it took me a while to realise what was happening.
In other news I dropped in, and paid for, the passport applications for JJ and myself. $312 to be exact. Hopefully JJ’s will be processed okay as I haven’t got, and don’t think I need to get, his father’s consent. I was just relieved that I managed to finally find our birth certificates and that I had everything I needed today. I hate filling in forms.
I’m exhausted just reading all of that!
I am slowly easing myself back into blogland. Look at what I have missed…
yes, I am missing the carefree time too. It goes far too fast!