This year JJ’s reading has gone from strength to strength. At the beginning of the year his reading pretty much consisted of picture books with basic words but now it’s the other way round.
He’s also much better at giving words a try than he used to be. He used to see a word that he didn’t know and be too scared he’d get it wrong to even give it a go. With much persistence on my part I’ve managed to get him to at least try the word now and more often than not he either gets it right or he’s very close. I remember when I was a kid that I never used to say magician properly. It was always magican in my head.
For his birthday in June a friend got him a couple of books, one of which is Just Disgusting by Andy Griffiths. Last night when I said I’d read him something before he went to bed this is the book he chose but then he read to me. He started reading the story about brussel sprouts, about how disgusting they are.
I have to agree with that. I bought some brussel sprouts a month or two ago when they were in season thinking that maybe I’d grown out of my hatred for them but even though I didn’t overcook them, I still didn’t like the flavour. JJ wasn’t into them either so we won’t bother buying them again.
After getting through most of the Andy Griffiths story about how he tries to offload his five brussel sprouts so he can get dessert, I don’t think JJ will eat them any time soon either.
Trish says
I agree ‘BS’ are disgusting but those Andy Griffith books are pretty funny.
They got my non reader reading and even now he will pick them up to read again.
He still doesn’t read much 😉 sadly can’t convince him what he is missing out on.
Fe says
My youngest has inhaled all of those Andy Griffith books… and it led him to an absolute love of reading. The next series he adored was the “Cherub” series… but be warned, book 12 contains some sexual stuff that i considered so inappropriate that I glued the pages together!!
Jayne says
Feral Beast loves Andy Griffith!
jeanie says
My dd’s teacher read this series to them and really inspired a lot of spin off reading – definitely hits that age groups funny bones.
jeanie says
Oh – and I don’t like Brussel Sprouts, although there are rumours my SIL has a recipe that makes them edible.
Farmers Wife says
I have heard of these books and how popular they are with the young kids set…kids always love this type of stuff!
rhubarb says
Yep, all of the above – including the brussles sprouts – apply here too!
Joy says
I guess since I don’t have any young kids anymore, I’m not familiar with the Andy Griffith books; but my daughter Jen might be…being a teacher. I just loved when my kids wanted to read to me…I could listen forever. I miss that. I hope I get to hear Bella and Bastian…they’re starting to do that at home sometimes.
And honestly, what normal kid really likes brussel sprouts? A lot of adults don’t even like them.