Cold and dark mornings means trying to get a reluctant nearly eight year old out of his bed so we can both walk the dog together.
At any other time he absolutely loves the dog to pieces and he can’t get enough of her but when it comes to having to get up on a cold and dark morning he whinges about it.
While my nephew was living here finishing off his last two years of high school I could walk the dog by myself a lot of mornings and it was great but now that he’s gone I have to take JJ with me. It’s so tempting to leave him at home tucked up in bed but I know he’s too young at the moment. When would he not be too young? Any ideas?
I told JJ this morning, as he put his helmet on because he takes his scooter, that soon the shortest day of the year would be here and the morning will start to get lighter. It cheered me up saying that. Once we both get out there we’re fine and the whinging generally stops.
By the way the aforementioned nephew has just about finished his basic training in the Navy, or boot camp or whatever they call it. He’s having his passing out parade this Thursday and my niece and nephew are going but because it’s in Victoria apparently they have to have a week off afterwards just incase of this jolly Swine Flu thing.
I wonder when all the people in the neighbourhood walk their dogs? When the weather’s warmer there’s lots of them at the local oval in the morning so many of them must do it in the evening during winter. I wonder. If you have a dog, when do you walk it? Do you have a regular time, or is it more ad-hoc?
The set times for walking Jack are – first thing in the morning and during the evening (about 8ish). He’s white with a very thin skin so as the days are quite warm (yesterday was VERY warm for us) I have to be careful or he’ll burn. We’ve not had him in winter weather but my guess is that the 6am run round the park will turn into an 8am or even later and the evening walk will get earlier with a late night “do your business” trot round the block.
He needs a lot more walking than Poppers did and the lad over the road will often take him out after school – I’m not sure how much he actually gets walked and how much it’s standing around on the street corner with the girls admiring the dog!!
As for leaving JJ on his own while you walk the dog only you can be the judge as to when you can trust him not to do anything stupid – and check on the law as you can be done for neglect if you leave a child alone and I guess the law in Adelaide is similar.
We usually try for early-mid arvo to avoid other dog walkers and/or schoolkids.
Our beagle is 14.5 years old so she just enjoys a walk down to feed the chooks in the late afternoon. Then she is done. When her sister was alive, they loved walks along the beach in the afternoon, or if I walked early morning I would take them. I was known as the woman with the two beagles, it makes me sad that we have lost one and that the other is old and frail. That’s life, I suppose. I am hearing you about the cold weather, our 6am starts have now gone to 7am, but isn’t it nice when the weather turns just that little bit warmer…
We usually play it by ear with our two goldens. I love taking them for a walk on a summer’s morning, but there is no way I can get out there in the morning during winter. I am usually too busy sooking inside under my blanket waiting for it to warm up. I’ll either take them out during the day or wait until my husband gets home and we will take them out at night. Our chihuahua on the other hand gets so much exercise at home chasing the goldens and through normal playing he stays behind. I’d end up having to carry him half way anyway as the walks are pretty long. In fact, my oldest golden often slows right down that I get scared I might have to carry him as well lol.
Jack’s lucky getting two walks a day. Monty only very rarely does. In a year or so I’ll let JJ walk her around the block by himself. As for leaving him by himself, yes I’d better check the law. Don’t want to be locked up for child neglect.
Barbara, I have to really force myself to get out there in winter – made even harder by having to drag the child along. I’m dreading the day that my dog decides she can’t walk any further. I’d have to leave her there and go and get the car. Although she’d be so embarrassed if I picked her up that she just might walk.
Farmerswife, our dog is about 12 so it won’t be too long and she won’t want to go for walks either.
They sort of go into semi retirement, but even so they still enjoy their little outings…
That certainly would make it harder Jen. I’ve had to ‘try’ and pick my dog up before (years ago now). I was in the show ring with him and it was a really hot day. By the time we got into the ring though he had had enough. We did the trot around the ring and I had him in his stance etc etc when he decided it was time to lay down. There was no way I could move him or get him back up …. I was so embarrassed lol…. God I can ramble…. Anyway, fingers crossed winter doesn’t get any colder :).
We walk in the afternoon/evening straight after work, or mid afternoon when we are home. Morning would suit me better but I can never get my child out of bed (and she’s much younger than JJ so definitely cannot be left).