The mornings are now getting darker, the nights cooler and the warmer weather is slowly but surely slipping away for another six months or so. At this time of year I look back upon the summer and vaguely remember the two week 40 degree a day heatwave we had and also how often I went swimming at the beach or in a pool. While I’m not a fan of stinging sun hot days I do love the water aspect of summer and this time of year makes me miss it.
Tonight I was thinking about this after I’d run JJ’s bath and he was in it. I carried on with organising dinner and while he’s usually quiet in the bath, tonight he splashed a lot. I’ll tolerate it for a while but if he splashes too much then water goes everywhere and the bathroom floor’s dangerous when wet. So I put up with it for a while and went in and asked him to stop. Out I went and shortly after he started again. When I went back to ask him to stop it again, as now it was more a matter of principle that he hadn’t listened to me, and he could see I was serious as I have that look.
Unfortunately, as this photo shows, he’s snapped me when I have that look and I wonder that he doesn’t always take me seriously.
I walked off and he yelled out after me, ‘well I haven’t been swimming for a while’. True, he hadn’t and this is when I reflected back over the summer and wondered if we’d get another swim in before it starts getting too cold.
Later on tonight I spoke to a friend to organise what’s happening this Saturday. We’re playing in a gig together you see, with the ukuleles again you see. She said to come down to her place earlier (the gig’s near her place), and then she mentioned the word swim.
Being the quick thinker I am, I said we’ll come down early enough to go for a swim with you and then come back and we can practise together.
It’s a done deal, and the temperature’s going to be in the high 20s on Saturday so it won’t be a hardship at all. JJ will be rapt.
I wouldn’t want to cross you!
Hahah…love THE look…scary!
Ali, the more I see this photo the funnier I think it is. I’m sure I was telling my son off at the time though.
Oh my – on the look, we all have one of them.
Good luck on the swim thing being wonderful.
My version of The Look is where I remove my glasses and the Tribe run for the hills (don’t tell them but I don’t even have to raise my voice or get cranky plus it’s bloody funny to me!).
Jayne, I’d love to see a photo of that and it’s good that you don’t have to raise your voice. Win win all round I say.