For those of you who use Flickr you may have noticed that you can elect to use their new homepage design. I did and I like it. (Click on image above to see larger screengrab.)
At a glance I can see everything I immediately look for when using Flickr. I like the recent activity from comments I’ve made and comments others have made on my photostream. I sometimes forget to go and reply to comments so it’s good to have this upfront. It’s possible to mute this activity too if there’s a lot of activity you’re not interested in.
The stats graph is right there too and being a sometimes stats junkie this is very gratifying. I noticed a big spike in my views yesterday. I think some work could still be done on the stats themselves but maybe this will happen next. So while I could see a big stats bleep (not reflected in this screengrab) I don’t really know where the views came from as many of the views were for my photostream and not individual photos.
As before the contacts’ latest photos are available, and now so is the activity of the groups you’re in.
As an RSS subscriber to the Flickr blog I’d like to free this real estate up on the Flickr homepage for me, but that’s not an option.
Overall though, I like the new redesign. Oh, and I also renewed my Pro membership and took advantage of the extra three months free option (available until 30 September).
I like the new Flickr design also, and especially liked the blue and pink dot animation that displayed while the new page “built” itself – v cool. Didn’t know about the extended pro-membership offer though… I’d better check that out pronto 🙂