Bad day at work? Is everyone annoying you? Is just being at work getting you down? I recommend looking at this because you are not alone. This was waiting in my inbox when I got back to work on Tuesday after a busy and emotional few days and I watched it with tears rolling down my face and semi-controlled laughter emanating from my mouth. (Click on the image to view)
Jayne says
Pass the tissues !
The Spouse and I are peeing ourselves here!
Frogdancer says
I’m sitting here tutoring a year 7 kid after school. He’s doing some silent reading and I’m looking at the computer laughing like a maniac. Poor kid.
jeanie says
Oh, doesn’t everybody know that feeling!!!
Ian says
I can relate to those guys. Always happens when you’re on a deadline – computer runs like a dog, photocopier jams, network goes down, etc.
Fortunately I’ve managed to contain my office rage – I think the worst I’ve done is slam a mouse down and bits fell off it.
Babyamore (Trish) says
words fail me .. hilarious – I would love to do that …one day !
Lani says
I laughed until I cried too. I think we all can relate to that feeling. 🙂
Tricia says
Paqrt of me wants to believe those are fake and part of me wants to believe those are real…
Guera says
Let me guess “No computers were harmed in the making of this film”!!
Haven’t we all felt like doing that at one time or another (or many times…)