Last week I hosted the All women blogging carnival #8. I want to do a quick summary of the diverse entries that were received for it in the order they were received. I stumbled across this carnival somehow a few weeks ago and it is a great one to participate in because it’s easy to do and the other participants entries are so diverse and interesting. It’s also a good way to meet other bloggers that you might not otherwise have encountered.
- I wrote about changing my weblog banner which is something I do about four times a year. I also decided to offer someone the chance of me making them a banner for their weblog. I’ve had comments saying what a great offer it is, but so far nobody has put their hand up for one. I think it’s a combination of not enough people knowing about it and that people are quite happy with what they already have.
- Megan at ImaginIf also had an offer to WIN a Create your own Natural Soap Kit by ‘Talking Dirty’.
There’s some hilarious entries which you’ll have to go over to read. - Gautami Tripathy at Firmly Rooted talked about phenomena, eg mass adulation as a phenemenon. In particular, girls winning beauty pageants being adored for their beauty instead of women being adored for their minds. Unfortunately this is too true I think.
- Mad goat lady wrote about how to fold fitted sheets. I’d say the folding of fitted sheets falls within two camps. You either do it or you don’t. One of her readers Jeanie took this one step further and photo-blogged how to fold fitted sheets. Now you have no excuse.
- If you don’t know what decoupage is, Avinak explained it. Apparently candlesticks are one of the items that can be used as a base. Does that mean a decoupaged candle cannot be burned?
- Becky in Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever brought up the spanking issue. She said, ‘In my mind the behavior clearly called for, what in our home is, the ultimate thermonuclear punishment—a pants down spanking with the back of a hairbrush.’ A contentious subject if there ever was one. Scroll down a bit to get to this and then read the comments.
- Karen at Miscellaneous Mum wrote about inflammatory breast cancer a must read for any woman. I’d never heard of this particular type of breast cancer before.
- Jill at Write Likes She Talks pointed out the NJDC YouTube tribute to "Dazzling Democratic Dames" YouTube video. NJDC is the National Jewish Democratic Council. I couldn’t believe it is for real but it apparently is. It’s very cheesy.
- Patricia at Spiritual Journey of a Lightworker wrote about best friends and how she feels about them. She is blessed to have had five best friends to share her life with and they are blessed to have her.
- Linda at Klamath Design wrote about how backups can save your web design business. It gets you thinking. Do you backup and do you store backups offsite?
- Country Stitchin’ wrote about her personal chef. She’d made an apron and before making more to sell she tested it out on her son. He looks really happy to be wearing his apron. I hope his cooking is as sweet as his smile.
- Debo Hobo didn’t link directly to the blog post she wanted to submit so I’m linking to the one she posted last Monday when this carnival began about working a four hour week. You may have heard of the book ‘The 4 hour workweek’ by Tim Ferris. I haven’t read it but in theory it sounds good. I wonder if it really can work like that though.
- Inchoate wrote about niche dating sites. I haven’t clicked through to the ones she’s written about as I’m not in the market for online dating but I’m guessing it’s US based so wouldn’t be for a single Aussie girl.
- Mandy at Build a Blog wrote about what is RSS and how does it work? If you want to find out what the heck this RSS thing is that people keep talking about this will help.
- Can you believe that Snoskred made 5 million dollars online this year? Talk about a headline to get you reading. But read a bit further and you’ll see that she currently has 5 million dollars worth of fake checks in her possession. It’s a good read to find out how to avoid scams.
- Last but by no means least Anne at Tall Poppy asks what is motivation? I love her definition as I think it fits most of us.
Hey Jen
this is like a Carnival of a Carnival. I reckon you’re getting in shape for the carnival of Australia that I’ve got you down to host on September 12th. If this date doesn’t suit, just give me a hoy!
I’ve also added you to my blog roll to make it easier to track you down when I need you. I can never spell semantically correctly and Google thinks I’m a weirdo driven to find semen on some occasions!!!!!