About three years ago my son and I were invited to attend a friend’s graduation party. It was one of those parties where you take a plate of food to share, and when we arrived I saw there were all sorts of foods, including a bowl of jellybeans.
A bowl of lollies and my kid is like honey and bees, they cannot stay away from each other.
It would have been rude of me to hide the lollies and I couldn’t really move them away from him or keep him away from them so he managed to scoff quite a few.
I think he probably had considerably more than I thought he did because he started vomiting a continuous green stream of eaten up jellybeans when he was standing in the middle of a circle of people, including me. Luckily he didn’t have the crazy eyes that Linda Blair’s character, Regan, in The Exorcist had, although all that food colouring within jellybeans and the like does make him crazy.
I calmly stood there and said, ‘Who does this child belong to?’ and tried to pretend like I didn’t know him. Unfortunately most of the people who witnessed it knew he belonged to me.
Luckily it was an outside party so the green vomit was easy to clean up and he was perfectly fine afterwards.
I’m submitting this for this week’s All women blogging carnival #9. The criteria is a humorous story about being a mum. Let me tell you it wasn’t that funny at the time but it didn’t take long to see the funny side of it.
I’ve extended the deadline for the offer for one person a chance at getting a new webblog banner.
Great Mommy moment to share. Why is it that the most embarassing moments are the ones we usually remember? Laughter is good for the soul.
What a funny story! Why is it that our kids perform so well in front of an audience! I can just envision my daughter doing the same thing!
Thanks for participating in the 4FabMom’s Blog Carnival!
Oh you poor thing – I too have a sugar junky but luckily she just becomes a poltergeist rather than the regurgitating variety.
Ewww..that would have been embarrassing. At least it was outside though, imagine how much worse it would be knowing you had left a permanent bright green stain on someone’s carpets :O
Ah, yes, vomiting in public is always fun. I remember one time my son got sick in the grocery store cart and threw up right in my purse. I always say that moms will make good airline flight attendants because we know how to give directions, serve food, and clean up vomit. Thanks for the laugh!
I remember vomiting on my mother at a Halloween carnival- all over her shoes! Never a good memory! And it happened to me with my son in the middle of a clothing store- I think everyone had to leave after lemonade came back up! They remembered us three months later!