Last Sunday after I put JJ to bed I thought about what we had done during the day and I was very satisfied with the outcome.
In a nutshell we managed to spend a whole day together with a bunch of quality time doing things that we both had a good time doing and all this accomplished with both of us pretty much keeping our cool.
We spent most of the day out in the garden. We’ve had a lot of rain recently and consequently we had a lot of weeds. Most of these weeds were out at the side of the house and as I had some tomato and basil seedlings I wanted to plant, the space needed to be cleared up somewhat.
We achieved this and JJ managed to do a pretty good job of just pulling out weeds and not pulling out other things. I’ve got parsley all over the place and he even left that alone, being able to distinguish parsley from weeds, even though I wouldn’t mind a few parsley seedlings being pulled out. I should have enough. It’s even spread to the driveway this year.
After we’d pulled out all the weeds, moved the herb pots around a bit we both stood there and congratulated ourselves on a great job. We even managed to finish the job before the rain came.
The period of rain meant some indoor time with me doing housework. Then JJ had a bit of a rest with the Hairy Mclary video – I got it from the op shop for $1 last week – while I caught up on some blogging which I’d recently been neglecting.
Then as the sun had come out again, I thought we may as well plant the seedlings so I got all the tomatoes and basil (wegetables in JJ speak) planted. Hopefully it will be safe from snails and dog digging.
To top of our very productive day we had some impromptu fun. After JJ had his bath and got himself dressed (he did his buttons up by himself for the very first time – yet another achievement) we were watching Australian Idol and JJ treated me to a performance of his dancing. It was pretty hilarious. It was handstands, somersaults, bending down wobbling his bum in front of me and lots of jumping around with him very obviously enjoying it and me having a good laugh as well. I got up and danced with him to the next song (it was the Motown genre last night, so some pretty funky stuff) but he didn’t like that because I took up all his dance space. I think he just wanted me to look at him, not to have a dance myself.
JJ is still congratulating us on our good work as we go out to
check the ‘wegetables’ after work to make sure they haven’t been dug up
by the dog or eaten by snails.
Now that sounds like a pretty great day to me. I especially would have like JJ’s dancing…and tell him I LOVE ‘wegetables.