Last Sunday was Mother’s Day. What a bust. Like New Year’s Eve you build yourself up thinking it’s going to be a wonderful day and when it’s not you feel really let down.
I don’t think JJ even said happy Mother’s Day to me. I certainly didn’t get breakfast in bed and apart from a couple of good moments during the day I was glad when he finally went to bed.
I also think that Mother’s Day must be really hard for people who’ve lost their mums and for people who really want to be a mum. Like a slap in the face. Thinking like this about others certainly puts things in perspective – in retrospect.
Three days after mother’s day JJ showed me the poem he wrote for me that was still on the computer. I’ve now printed it out and put it up at work. He tells me I’m full of surprises like a treasure chest waiting to be opened. and I’m like a golden fish swimming in the ocean standing out like a colossal diamond in the room. I work in and out of the house faster than I can blink or eat cake – and some other wonderful things.
But it’s not that poem I want to share here. It’s another one he wrote at the end of last term that got read out at assembly because his teacher thought it was so good. I’ve been asking to see it since then but only just got it.
He said I can share it so here goes:
How to Treat Life
There are two ways to treat life
One with care
One with stupidity
Care comes with responsibility and compassion
You have to play sport and exercise instead of doing nothing
You also have to exercise your brain.
You need to be nice and caring for others
You have to take responsible risks
You should be open to learning
Choosing the people you can trust to help you
You strive to be someone they trust and look up to in a good way
You are to be yourself
Not the person other people want you to be
You need to stick to your dreams and accomplish them
Stupidity comes with no care or compassion
You don’t exercise yourself
You don’t exercise your brain
You treat others horribly
You don’t care about what might happen to yourself or others
You’re not open to learning
You bully others
You’re what “the cool kids” want you to be
You change what you are, but remember
You only have one life
That’s a lovely poem… I’d love to hear the full Mother’s Day one too… Sorry you had to wait three days for it! Sounds like he made up for it though..?
I will share the Mother’s Day poem too. Yes, he did make up for it – the devil.