When I did year 12 the exam results came out in January – about two-three months after exams finished. I was down at the beach doing vacation swimming lessons when I found out my results. They weren’t online back then and the school must have heard about them before we students did.
Mum actually found out my results before I did via the deputy principal and she came and told me. They weren’t brilliant results but enough to eventually get me into university. I also heard that my deputy principal had thought that I wouldn’t pass. I showed him didn’t I? I think I was more pissed off that he would actually say that to someone than the fact that he didn’t think I’d pass at all.
For some reason out of the 15 people in my year 12 class, only nine of us passed. I was surprised at those results and it probably didn’t do the school’s reputation that much good.
Fast forward some years, and then a few and we’ve got NAPLAN for year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students. NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy). My son has finished his second NAPLAN year. It passed without much of a blip on our radar two years ago but this year there seemed to be more of a focus.
The thing with NAPLAN is that the school gets assessed too and obviously schools want to do well compared to other schools. It must have been mentioned quite a bit in the classroom and this meant that my son got fairly anxious about it.
While I think it’s important to try and do your best I don’t think things like this are the be all and end all for an individual and tried to let my son know this. I hope this will be enough if he sticks out high school and goes down the year 12 exam route. I suppose one way of looking at him having to do this is that it’s a bit of a training ground for sitting through exams. Don’t get me started on having to do exams.
Because they thought he might have problems with the assessment he was allowed an extra five minutes for each one.
As it turns out he did really really well in the reading and numeracy aspects of the assessment. His spelling and grammar need some serious work, but I’m hoping that his reading and his new found love of writing will help in those areas.
He said his teacher complimented him on his results. They were probably surprised at his results. He showed them didn’t he?
Joy says
Yep, he showed them! Congrats to JJ….sweet guy. ~Joy