Thursday, 7 July 2011, Day 226/365.
I’ve been blogging for seven, yes seven, years now. Back when I started I had dreams of becoming a popular blogger like Heather from Dooce but I doubt that will ever happen for many reasons.
However, I’ve kept plodding along because I love it and while I really like the few comments I do receive this is ultimately a public journal of my life and those who’ve been reading this blog for a while now have probably seen a bit of a shift in my focus.
Lately I’ve actually been blogging every day to showcase my photo of the day. Sometimes there’s a story around that photo and sometimes there’s not but photography interspersed with my daily life has definitely risen to the fore.
With that in mind I’ve been on the lookout for other photography/journal type blogs and I have a few in my repertoire but would like to know of more. Please leave a comment if you know of blogs like this.
In the spirit of sharing here are some blogs where photography is a focus.
Tiff of My Three Ring Circus takes beautiful photos as she documents her life as a mum of seven children, and in particular her daughter Ivy’s medical needs.
Bush Babe of Oz is pretty handy with a camera too. She documents her life in the country, and other places she goes to. I probably hardly take any photos compared to her.
Karen of Miscellaneous mum usually posts photos with her blog posts and like me is an iPhone photo taker. I chimed in on her post about trying to justify her need/want for a digital SLR camera.
Karen of Chookaloonks takes beautiful portrait and close-up flower shots amonst other things. I always love looking and reading her blog.
I don’t know where Bree of The Pioneer Woman finds time to tend to her plethora of blogs, and homeschool, and everything else, but then she does get up at 4.30am. I don’t know whether to feel just plain inadequate or have something to aspire to. She uses photos for all of her blogs and they’re lovely.
I haven’t had a chance to look through this list but there’s a discussion thread on the Shutter Sisters Flickr group that talks about photography blogs. I hope there’s some journal type photography blogs in there. The Shutter Sisters blog definitely falls into the journal photo blog category and is a community blog rather than being run by one person.
Help me add to this list please.
Steff says
I am a lurker 🙂 your in my reading list and I read you regularly but comment very rarely. I kept a 365day photo blog and it was so great then it all drifted off and I keep struggling to get back to it I must look up that flicker site sounds great and may inspire me to start again