As I enter week five of unemployment I still hover between feeling positive about my lack of work situation and feeling negative about my lack of work situation.
I had the joy of going to Centrelink last week and I nearly burst into tears when they told me that due to my ‘liquid assets’ I am unable to claim Newstart Allowance for a number of weeks. See my liquid assets aren’t as liquid as having a bunch of accessible cash hanging around in the bank and it annoys me that I’m forced to use up this money that I have to get out of term deposits because I was ‘let go’ from my last job.
I’d had plans of taking three or so months off when I wanted to, to do some travelling or something but now I’m being forced to take some time off because I haven’t got a job. This is why I’m trying to be positive because all too soon I’ll probably be back in the workforce and if I don’t enjoy this time off then what’s the point?
On a positive note I have been promised a contract for 12 hours work to research and write an article for a magazine which I’m looking forward to. I’ve also put in my first ever quote for a copywriting job for a research brochure. That was really hard because I’ve never had to do such a quote before and I didn’t want to over or under quote. I’m still yet to hear about that.
I don’t know if the work from home lifestyle is for me. I think I would go mad if I didn’t have other adults to talk to during the day so I’m trying to plan some catch up time with friends during the day which is working to an extent. (The image at the top was taken when I met a friend for lunch.)
In the meantime I read about job hunting and look at job advertisements. Some useful articles/blogs:
- They really want to hire you. Some basic tips for how to present yourself.
- InterviewIQ – job hunting intelligence
- Avid careerist
Good luck with the quote. The first one has got to be the hardest.
And thanks for the link!
No problem re the link Suzanne. And my quote was accepted, I’ve got work starting from next week for 20 or so hours over the next couple of weeks.
Working from home isn’t for everyone Jen…but it could be a nice fill-in until something else shows up. Baby steps sweetie… ~Joy
Hooray for the great news in the comments section!!
And yes – thanks for the link.