A couple of years ago I watched Oprah and saw her interview the woman who wrote ‘The Secret’. I haven’t read the book or seen the movie but I gather that the main premise of The Secret is that if you ask the universe for something and you really believe, it will come to you.
Just as I was finishing up in paid work my Sodastream stopped working. I love soda water especially when it’s hot and whenever I buy bottles from the supermarket I don’t always get through them so it can be a waste – let alone all the plastic bottles. However, when I fizz up my own water I don’t feel quite so bad if I don’t quite get through the bottle. I just add more water and bubble it up.
So, my Sodastream had stopped working and I thought I’d have to bit the bullet and buy a new one. If I’d been working I wouldn’t have thought twice about getting one as they’re not really expensive. But I had to really think if I could get one. I was talking about it to a friend and she said she had one she’d bought from the op shop for $5 and I could have it as already had one. She couldn’t leave it in the op shop for $5 so she bought it.
She’s now given it to me, and with some new Sodastream bottles – it’s working an absolute treat.
Today I asked my friends on Facebook if anyone had a pair of size 8 football shoes as my son’s grown out of his and he’ll need a new pair for the next season coming up.
But a friend commented on my status update saying he didn’t have the boots but he’s got a mountain bike that he’s giving away that would suit a 10-15 year old boy.
I bought the bike my son still has for his third birthday and he’s completely outgrown it so the offer a mountain bike is too good to refuse. Because it is apparently a very good bike we’ve been asked to make a donation to a worthy cause. Unfortunately there’s so much disaster happening lately that it won’t be hard to choose and I won’t be able to donate much because I’m not earning any money at present but I’ve saved myself a bucketload.
Does asking the universe for things you need work for you?
PS: the photo of the flowers above doesn’t really have anything to do with the content of this post but this hasn’t flowered for a couple of years so it was great to see it this year.
I am so glad these good things are coming to you Jen. Yes, I believe that you can attract good things to yourself by thinking positively. I hope good things continue for you… pretty sure they will:).