This is my Thursday evening kitchen table. It’s a week’s worth of notes from school, my paperwork, my shopping bag I haven’t quite unpacked, headphones I plan on using for Skype if I ever get round to setting it up and goodness knows what else is under the top layer.
That gray cylinder is JJ’s. It’s something he brought home from school and is very adept at using it to waste time in the morning in his bedroom when he should be doing his pre-school jobs like making sure his bag is packed and all that. This morning I confiscated it because he was procrastinating. Gee I wonder where he got that from.
When I caught up with my mother’s group more often I did the very occasional pop-in with one of the mums and her kitchen/living area was always immaculate. Maybe that’s what can be achieved when you don’t work outside the home, or maybe she would get stress headaches from keeping it tidy. As my year 12 English teacher used to say about immaculate homes like this, ‘Where do they put there junk?’. Looking back I can tell that her (my teacher’s) kitchen table probably looked like mine does now.
By the end of the weekend the table will mostly be cleared so I can start the cycle all over again. The stupid thing is that it doesn’t take that long to tidy up but for some reason I don’t stay on top of it during the week.
Do you run a tidy ship or by the end of your working week is your house looking the worse for wear?
If you want to see other peoples’ perfectly imperfect lives, pop on over to Picklebums. I’m not alone here.
Oh, and I got my Ezibuy package today. Don’t forget you have a chance to win a $50 voucher for yourself.
SquiggleMum says
Truth? Your kitchen table has more clear space on it than mine! LOL I too get to the weekend, clear it all off and wonder why I didn’t do it days ago – then proceed to start the cycle all over again.
katef says
If I had a kitchen table I’m pretty sure it would be way more cluttered than this! LOL
Thanks for joining in!
MissyBoo says
Must say my table looks much like yours 🙂
By the end of the working week the clutter has mounted, and gets cleared, just in time to start again!
Steff says
I have a list iof jobs to do it the morning before we lave the house and tidy down the table is near the end – Unfortunatly than means it so rarely gets cleaned and the paperwork, dishes and other paraphinalia slowly build up and get shoved asside tioll it is not managable any more
Kylie says
AHA – at least you HAVE a table. All we have is a kitchen bench, and EVERYTHING goes on it!
Yours looks well loved…
Joy says
Hey, I don’t think that looks so bad Jen. My kitchen table is pretty clean…but then again…I’m always upstairs in my computer room. Heck…my whole house stays pretty organized because I’m the only one here most of the time. I basically live upstairs. I hardly use the first floor much anymore really unless the kids are here…then, the whole house gets a workout again. Now, my desk in my computer room…that’s got more clutter on it…stuff I work with every day. But I’m one of those people that likes to be organized, so I never let it get too bad.