I’ve been doing some extra work – paid – so I have to do it. There’s a deadline and there’s SO much work to do. It’s a very content rich website that’s getting a completely new look. If I don’t say so myself, I’ve done a damn fine coding job (with a bit of help from a colleague with Javascript). I did a lot of it over the last weekend and by Monday I was proudly showing it off to some colleagues (it’s work related) because I was really proud of myself.
My CSS skills have grown exponentially over the last couple of years and I’m quite confident in what I do now. Practise makes perfect and all that, and I’ve been using the most excellent Firefox extension called Firebug. It lets you debug on the fly so you can really easily experiment with webpage development. If you’re building websites – especially ones that are built with CSS for layout and look, then you should be using it. I love it.
So I am really chuffed with my interpretation of the designer’s brief, and the ‘client’ is really happy so far and said ‘you’ve done an excellent job mate’, and he never calls me mate. Although the designer wants to come and sit with me and go through the website so I’m sure I’m going to have to explain some things about accessibility and CSS, so it could be an interesting meeting. I know from a previous meeting that he doesn’t have any or much experience with HTML etc.
But now it’s at the stage where all that content’s got to come from a single column layout into a two column layout and it’s time consuming. I spent three hours on it today and thought to myself earlier I’m going to have to sit down and work out how long each one takes me and times that by the amount of pages I’ve got to do. I’m getting some nice extra pocket money and am thinking of how to reward us, and it has to be us because JJ feels some effects of my doing my work. Although it’s been a bit tricky this weekend because he’s been banned from all electrical games for the weekend. He did inform me that taking things away like this isn’t helping his behaviour at all. Other consequence ideas anyone?
Along with this extra draw on my time other things have been happening too but that’s for another post.
Good heavens, you make me feel tired!