Either someone knows about my stationery fetish or the junk mail people were being extraordinarily kind, but today when I got home this little case of sticky notes was in my letterbox.
There’s every single kind of sticky note you can imagine and they’re all mine. Although someone should tell my son that because he’s already opened one of them, but I figure I can afford to be generous.
As for the Day of Des’s that happened last Friday.
I bumped into my ex-boyfriend’s dad, Des, in the Central Market on Friday. I got on really well with my ex-boyfriend’s family and I’m kind of sad that I don’t see them that much any more. This Des wrote a book a while back and I helped out a bit with the typing up of handwritten notes so got a mention in the thankyou section and a copy of the book which I really enjoyed.
Later on in the afternoon as we were about to head off to circus school a man was pulling out of the laneway next to my house and stopped in front of my house. I recognised him as the previous occupant of this house and, you guessed it, his name is Des. He still visits the doctor nearby. We had a brief chat and off he went.
This is the Des that used to save everything he could lay his hands on in the hope that it would be useful one day and when I moved in he left a lot of it with me. I got people to cart some away as their own useful rubbish and hired two mini skips to fill up with the rest. Now my backyard is an actual garden rather than a junkyard. I guess it helped keep the price of the house down which suited me at the time.
And so ended my Day of Des’s.
Don’t forget to leave a comment over at this week’s giveaway to win the Stupid Stupid Man DVD.
Oh wow – sticky notes!! That would be my daughter’s image of heaven (and V’s image of hell).
We used to have a cat called Des.
Jeanie, it will probably be my image of hell once my son gets his hands on them. Must hide!
Dear Jen, nice post!
As my appreciation for you commenting on my blog, I do a linklove for your blog. Thanks again for your support. =) Take care.
Ching Ya. My pleasure. Thanks for stopping by.
I love coloured sticky post it notes – what a score.
Des sounds just like my Father in law…
What is it that we all love about stickynotes so much? Like the new look with the blog too!