Every now and again someone drops by this blog and gives me some acknowledgement of being here and contributing in some way. Lanie of Boo and Me recently did this – at a time when a pat on the back goes a long way. So being the good girl that I am I must:
1. Put the logo on my blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to me.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to these blogs on my blog.
5. Leave a message for my nominee on their blog.
I’ve already done numbers 1 and 2.
Now for number 3. Some blogs I would like to link to have already received this. So I’ll try and find 7 new ones:
1. Kristabella from Full of Snark. I first met her when interviewing her and have kept up ever since. She recently found out that she was being made redundant but has to stay in her job for two more months.
2. Mel from Freak Parade. Have been reading her blog for a while and her son interviewed me a while back for his homeschooling project. Haven’t heard from him in a while but hopefully he returns to writing his blog.
3. Trish from My Little Drummer Boys. She’s going through a shite time at the moment and has always been supportive of me. This is my acknowledgement to her of that, and that I’m thinking of her at the moment. Bugger, she’s already got this, but I’m sure a double dose won’t hurt.
4. Stacie from Nomadic Creations. She makes some awesome jewellrey (I’m a proud owner of a pair of her earrings) and she’s just become a dog owner.
5. Jayne from Our Great Southern Land. Jayne always comments on my blog and I’d like to thank her for sticking around.
6. Tiff from Three Ring Circus is also another good blog neighbour and she more than deserves this. Damnit, she’s also received this. Australia’s blogging community is just too small sometimes.
7. Joy from The Joy of Six. Joy’s a great blog friend and she can add this to her other bountiful blog bling if she so desires.
Now, I’ve done number’s 3 and 4 and after publishing am about to do number 5.
Feel free, or not, to pass this on y’all and happy Sunday.
Thank you so much! Thank you for thinking of me.
Tiff, it’s my absolute pleasure.
thank you Jen you made me smile and what a double delight !!
Trish, I’m glad I made you smile.