Some people that read this blog already know about my involvement with the Aussie Blogger forum. Now I’ve written my first post for the accompanying Aussie Blogger blog about Creating a blogroll from your Google Reader subscriptions. Hopefully this will be the first of many – I’ve just got to think of relevant material. As there will be a few people contributing to this blog I don’t have to come up with ideas all the time so this blog won’t suffer as a result.
I’ve been away for the last three days and tomorrow school starts back, so today will be a domestic goddess type day and a day of rest. As much as I’m addicted to blogging, playing Scrabulous and checking on emails etc I did not miss looking at a computer screen one little bit.
I’ve already spent a while mourning the end of the holidays. Now to get off the computer and make the most of my last day of freedom!
I’ll be popping over to read your post shortly 🙂
Homeschooling here so we
run amokdo schoolwork as it suits us 😉I am only on while Ivy and Noah are asleep.
My big kids all have quiet time then too but, I must do some ironing *gulp* and some baking *bigger gulp* today
I am still having troubles with this – have to have another look tomorrow.
No ironing gets done here …