I have been tagged by Joh Blogs for: 10 Random Facts
The Rules of this tag:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List ten (10) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eleven people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. These eleven persons would have to tag 12 people.
5. You could also tag back, if desperate !
6. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving them a comment on their blogs.
So on to the 10 things:
- I don’t always follow rules so won’t be tagging however many people I’m supposed to tag here. There’s too many and it’s a bit akin to chain mail.
- This is the first time I’ve ever been asked to participate in a meme, which is why I’m doing it.
- I play the ukulele with two great friends and we have a sort of gig in a couple of weeks. We’re all panicking.
- I love chocolate – probably a bit too much.
- I have no success with keeping goldfish alive. I thought it was supposed to be easy.
- My dog was away for a week and I missed her too much. It made me realise how said I’ll be when she’s gone for good.
- I’ll get another dog though, because I love them.
- I’m really glad the football season is over (I can’t stand the hype) but it means cricket will start soon and that doesn’t do it for me either.
- I’m ecstatic that the new season of Heroes began the other night.
- I like lying on the trampoline out the back on a balmy night looking up at the stars.
Mmm, not that imaginative, and I’ll probably think of a heap more. Perhaps this is the start to the 100 things about me if I go down that path.
As said above I won’t be tagging anyone because of the chain mail type thing and because it’s Saturday morning and I’m feeling lazy. But I do love reading these random things about people so please, go for it if you feel so inclined.
Michelle at Scribbit says
I like warm summer nights as well, they’re just usually not very dark.