Just over a month ago after I’d implemented a new weblog banner for this blog I thought I’d offer someone the chance to have a new one too. The deal was to leave a comment pleading your case as to why you thought you needed a new blog look.
I got lots of comments, but only two comments pleading their cases. One ended up dropping out because she needed more help than just a new banner. She found a WordPress guru to help her out so the other person won by default – it was close though.
We’ve had some contact and she told me what she liked and wanted. Then I realised I hadn’t asked her what words and/or logo she wanted in her banner and after two emails I haven’t heard back from her. If she reads this blog then the offer’s still open to her, but quite frankly I’ve lost a bit of interest after having heard nothing.
If I ever run another competition I will do it differently. For a start I will get people to enter via their own blog with a link back here which will help spread the word. I’d put the word out on BlogHer and on Bumpzee but there still weren’t enough people interested.
Perhaps the offer was something people just wouldn’t be interested in. Let’s face it, I’m not a renowned graphic designer.
What I should have done was consult ProBlogger more closely for tips on how to run a competition.
I’m sorry someone took you for granted! Even if it was accidental on their part, it never feels good.
Aww, don’t be disheartened, Jaycee. I love your banner and I loved the idea of your competition. Just a bit sad that it didn’t fly.