The last couple of weekends I’ve made a conscious effort to not have the laptop or the modem turned on. If it’s on I tend to just sit down and check my feed reader and my email to see what’s happening out there rather than, say, spend more time with my son.
It’s amazing how much I’ve got done without having it there on the kitchen table all ready to go. I’ve played a few games of Trouble with JJ for a start. If I’d had the computer on I would have been distracted by it and not spent this time with him. He’s pretty good at Trouble now. He knows all the numbers, can count really well and I even see hints of some strategy in his game.
So my computer free time has been worth it just for this.
In addition to this, I cooked nachos, soup, roast chicken, chocolate/sultana cookies. We went for a huge walk and filled up our shopping trolley with pine cones for the fire. And despite the crap weather I’ve done, and nearly dried, heaps of washing (including sheets) without a dryer. We’ve had the fire going to help the drying process so my lounge looks a bit like a Chinese laundry. I pruned a tree I’ve got that needs harsh pruning every year otherwise it would take over the neighbourhood.
These are just some of the things we did this weekend without the computer.
I need to follow that strategy a bit more often… Tried hard to not turn on Saturday morning before heading out but failed.
You are an example to us all.:-) 🙂 :-/