I live not too far away from a small shopping centre with a little supermarket, a video/dvd rental place and a fish and chip shop amongst other things. Therefore I often walk down there as it’s a lot more convenient than driving.
I have to pass a house that I’ve suspected is a brothel for quite some time. The hints that it probably is a brothel:
- There is a string out lights (not red mind you) on the front of the house that are always on.
- There are scantily clad women arriving and leaving (I was going to say coming and going, mmm).
- There are men arriving and leaving.
- These men and women arriving and leaving are at odd hours of the day, I’ve seen from 7am to much later at night – odd times for a more reputable business.
- The blinds are always down at the front and the windows have security screens over them.
- There is a vending machine out front (drinks, not condoms – that would have been a dead giveaway. I guess the working girls have the condoms – they are the vending machine).
The brothel location doesn’t really bother me as it’s not that close to my house and it is on a main road near a local government place and other daytime businesses so the comings and goings of workers and clientele shouldn’t bother too many people.
I finally asked a local friend this morning if she knew (as she knows everything) and she confirmed it for me.
So now I know, and if I ever get desperate for a buck (or perhaps something rhyming with buck), I know where to go.
I would like to invite you to participate in a research study of parenting views and practices. Dr. Kim White-Mills and Dr. Catherine Dobris of IUPUI (both are moms) are interested in understanding what sources parents find useful in their parenting practices, how parents use different parenting information, and what views parents across the county hold regarding parenting issues.
To access this survey, go to http://www.iupui.edu/~momviews/
ha ha ha ha – that post reminds me of when I was a uni student in Brisbane – late 80s, Fitzgerald Enquiry days.
It was funny – taxi drivers either had no idea where our little street was – or would raise their eyebrows at us and give us funny looks.
And those girls were always washing a car out front in bikinis – the service they were giving to the household of uni student boys was instant fame and popularity as ALL the males wanted to sit on one side of their living room and perve.
And when it was named as a high-class brothel in the enquiry, well, that explained why they were Alpha Romeos they were washing, and not Datsuns!!!
I guess it’s always good to have something to fall back on, huh Jen? Oh, shame on me.