The paint smell is almost gone and it’s come up a treat. I’ve still got to sort out the items I moved before painting began and I’m going to take the opportunity to cull some of my belongings. Some books I’ve had for years that I will never read again will be going. That’s a big step for me.
So the house has gone from daggy, "let’s quickly paint before we sell and not worry about preparation" to a really well-prepared and thorough painting. So from the picture above to the one below. Click on either photo for the full before and after.
The ‘after’ image colour is a bit out of whack. I tried correcting it to no avail. The colour in the foreground is more indicative of what it actually looks like, ie apricot rather than orange. I was a bit worried it is a bit 80s but I’m warming to it more as the paint smell dies off.
What a complete difference Jen. I LIKE IT! It’s very striking and cheery. It’s good to change things up, isn’t it?