It’s two years ago today since I started this blog. I slipped very quietly into the blogging world and I am proud of myself that I have persisted.
I chose the title Semantically driven because I love words and language and reading, hence the word semantic in my title. According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, semantic means, ‘Relating to meaning in language; relating to connotations of words; hence ~semantically.’ Well I don’t talk about meaning in language or language relating to the connotation of words so maybe my blog name is a bit misleading and I may change it. I have been thinking about a different title, but what I don’t know yet.
Perhaps when I feel I’ve found a direction for this blog apart from just writing I might change the title of it. One reason being that after I set this blog up I Googled ‘semantically driven’ and found a heap of computer related links about this term. Now when I Google ‘semantically driven’ I get this blog.
Now I am getting caught up in words and their meaning aren’t I?
As for some sort of direction for my blog, or some sort of focus. I’m one of these people who will start things and not necessarily pursue them. Here’s some things I would like to pursue more:
- my Retrospective, come family photo history, come travel I’ve done in the past stories
- more looking around on the web for interesting blogs/websites to gain inspiration from
- do, or think about, more things in my life that I can write about?
Just a few thoughts while I sip my celebratory drink and contemplate.
Joy says
Happy 2nd Anniversary Jen! Congratulations on two years in the Blogosphere. I still have to make it to ONE. I raise my glass to you…CHEERS!