I was visiting Bitch PhD’s blog where she’s shown the countries she’s visited and thought I’d try the same. Apparently the countries in red below shows that I’ve seen about 18 countries or 8% of the world. So much still to see. You can do this for yourself over here.
Whenever I’ve travelled overseas I’ve kept a written journal – this was before the days of the blog. I have started retrospectively documenting some of my travels. I’ve done the first part of my trip to the USA and some about bus trips in India. I’d filed these under retrospective, but I’ve also made a new travel category for this blog.
It’s one of my plans for this blog to do more of this – I’ve just got to drag myself away from the television at night to do it. I’m getting better at this but when I get myself a laptop I can probably do both.
Well that’s a lot more than I’ve seen Jen…good job. I’m not that big on traveling to other countries. Couldn’t do it much when I was raising my kids; and now, when I have the time, I’m not keen on spending the $$. Just a homebody I guess. Good luck on adding more red spots to your map. It’s cool that you keep a journal.