A person who was fairly close to me rang me on the weekend to talk to me about something. They were quite defensive about what they had to say and during the course of the conversation they told two lies. At the time of the telling of these lies I knew they weren’t quite telling the truth but as this person has been a closish friend I was prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I have since found out that they were lies and the more I think about it the more annoyed and upset I am. The lies don’t just involve this person and myself, they involve other people and the lies make me out to be someone I am not.
I’m obviously not going into heaps of detail here as I don’t want to publicly incrimate the guilty party but I am upset enough about it to write it down as writing things in my blog helps get things off my chest. I am hoping that this will work as I haven’t been able to think about much else for the last few days and I have been losing sleep over it.
I have completely lost any sliver of trust I had in this person and I don’t think it will ever be won back.
Joy Des Jardins says
Jen, I think one of the hardest things to deal with is when you feel betrayed by someone you had faith and trust in. If it’s bad enough, you never feel the same way about them again. Sometimes an honest clearing of the air mends things; but it may never come to that. I hope you find some resolution that will put your mind at ease. Strong and true friendships are not easy to come by. Good luck Jen.