Yesterday was a lovely spring day. The garden is looking all green due to the rain we’ve had lately, there was a bit of a breeze which moved the warm air around just enough not to feel to stifling and to keep any flies away.
I can sit outside on my garden bench and look over my backyard vista which is a joy to view now due to my work in the last two-three years (it was a barren dirtpatch prior to this) and talk on my newish walkabout phone which doesn’t crackle when I move to far away from its aerial and recharge station.
I had a good chat with a friend which happened in two parts, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I also had a chat with a friend who had a couple of issues, one she raised and that’s been fixed and one she didn’t raise but that’s a whole other story.
Mum and dad came back from some time on Kangaroo Island to pick up their car so we got to say a quick hallo to them. Unfortunately they couldn’t stay as dad wanted to drive back home (a couple of hours away) and relax.
As it was such a lovely day I thought I’d fire up the barbeque for dinner. I whipped up a salad, made some chicken shaslicks and cut up some vegetables for barbequing. While I was cooking JJ ran around under the sprinkler squealing with glee yelling that it was really cold and then running back in for more. I think the neighbours probably thought I was trying to kill him but I guess if people are attuned to squeals of glee and squeals of torture they would have known that no torture was happening in our backyard.
We ate our dinner. There’s nothing like a barbeque. I will be doing more of them this year. I even cleaned up the barbeque hotplate after dinner so next time I want to use it, it will be ready to go.
By this stage JJ was pretty tired, he’d had a late night the night before and when I didn’t turn the sprinkler back on for him, his previous sweet nature changed in an instant. He cried and cried and nothing I could say would calm him.
He’s pretty much passed the full-on tantrum stage so I knew this wasn’t just a tantrum for the sake of having one. I knew he was tired and this is the worst time to try and reason. I had to wait it out until he calmed down. When he realised that I was not going to turn the sprinkler back on for him he quite happily put his pyjamas on and brought out Hairy McLary for me to read to him and walked to bed and got in himself and was asleep in a flash.