It was kind of fortuitous that Guera tagged me to do this meme as I’d been meaning to show off my new handbag for a little while now.
A while back I mentioned that I wanted one of these bags and I did go ahead and get myself one for my birthday. I think it’s the most I’ve ever spent on an everyday bag. There was that time in London when I spent 130 pounds on an evening bag which, for me, is just absurd but then it was a very strange time in my life. It was around the time I got pregnant and I may have even been pregnant.
I’m like Guera in that I don’t have a gazillion handbags that I rotate all the time so the one bag I do use daily has to be very hard wearing and very functional.
Back to the meme. I’m supposed to show the contents of my handbag. All I left out was the snotty tissues and the tampons.
I’ve got a Coles/Myer voucher (a pressie from work), my sunnies case with my sunnies, mobile phone, earplugs, spectacles, Body Shop vanilla perfume, USB stick, stick-on tattoo, a box of dried fruit in case of emergency (my son’s stomach emergency that is) work’s access card, shopping lists and childcare bill, pens, green tea bag.
This closeup shows my lip balm – Carmex – the best lip balm ever, a couple of lipsticks and a lip pencil and my bus pass.
I try to keep my bag fairly uncluttered but it does also fit a bottle of water in it when needed.
I’m piking out by not passing this on, but please feel free to let us have a nosy in your handbag.
Have you entered my DVD givewaway? It closes on Monday night.