Do we need a Noah’s Ark here, or in Queensland to be exact? Just about everything in my life seems frivolous right now as I read more and more about the flooding in Queensland. I read yesterday that the areas flooded equals five times of Great Britain. I can’t find that now but it’s a bloody large area. And the flooding in Brisbane hasn’t reached its peak apparently.
Mother Nature is a fickle beast isn’t she? If it’s not devastating bushfires it’s floods, or something else. We’ve had devastating droughts in a lot of areas and now it’s turned to the other extreme. A happy medium would be good.
I watched this video yesterday of a flash flood in Toowoomba. It shows just how quickly it can all happen.
This Crikey webpage is being updated with latest news.
This webpage is also being regularly updated and has loads of information for all concerned, including how you can help.
In the meantime, fingers crossed that there’s no more casualties.