I walk past this house a few times a week when I go for my walk.
There was a hint it wasn’t going to be around for much longer because of the big machinery in the front yard. Sure enough, a couple of walks later it was completely gone – just like that.
Someone used to live there. I’m sure there were lots of memories – good and bad – made in that house.
No doubt it will be replaced by a couple of dwellings.
I received a letter in the post a couple of weeks ago from my dentist surgery and avoided opening it because it meant that I would have to make an appointment for a checkup. I did open it, however, and found out that my dentist had been unwell and had passed away. I liked him too. He had a no nonsense attitude. He was always about trying to save a tooth and not always suggest the most expensive option. I don’t know that his replacement will be like that and it was a bit inconvenient to get to so now I’m faced with finding a new dentist.
Then tonight I received an email that someone else I knew of had passed away. I always saw his name appear in a Facebook group I’m a part of and even though I’d never met him it was a sudden and unexpected death.
Death’s like that. Even when you know someone has been ill it’s always awful when they die. They leave a gap and it takes a bit of shuffling around to even try to fill that gap. I don’t know that the gap is ever filled because their memory lives on.
Life’s too short and now that I can’t say I’m in my early 40s I’ve noticed just how damn quickly time is passing. It makes me wonder if I’m making the most of my life. I know it’s jolly full and pretty enjoyable so that’s not a bad thing. But I wish I could reign it in a bit so I could enjoy it more.
All I can do is enjoy the time I’ve got – a day at a time.