I’m doing some blog cleaning. I should be doing some house cleaning – but there you go. I found this in the drafts folder from just after the ex (who’s now officially not my ex anymore) broke up with me.
What a week I had last week. It was one of those I feel like I’m in too much turmoil to write.
When I feel like that I just can’t go near this blog. I find it really hard to turn off my feelings to put on a false front. Just as well my living doesn’t rely on this blog but I guess if it did then I would have had to front up here.
So instead of just feeling crap, here’s some things that diverted my attention.
On parenthood and kids. Kids being a 49% pain in the ass and 51% the most sublime joy you ever felt. That 1% making all the difference.
A mummy blogger dropout. Blogging should be fun, it shouldn’t have to be a challenge or about the next giveaway. One perspective anyway and something I know that other ‘mummy bloggers’ struggle with, me included.
Another ukulele convert. I don’t need to say anymore. Everyone should try it. It’s a load of fun.
I love that photo Jen.
Lovely to get back to visit your blog again ( I left blogging for a while and lost all my links!).
So does that mean that things are all ok again and that your ex is now not your ex. I hope so. And I agree, blogging is the last thing you want to be doing when your world is awry and you are upset.
Ukelele? You need to tell us more about this. I am intrigued.
Thanks – the photo turned out well didn’t it? Yes, it means that the ex is no longer the ex. He came back – he’s done all the right things and we’ve talked in depth about what happened etc etc. Ukulele post being formed in my head. I don’t know that I’ve written much about it here.