My life seems to be all about making decisions at the moment – and some large decisions too. Sometimes it sucks being a grown-up.
Decisions about my relationships (ie how do I decide whether I should take him back or not?) and other decisions about my future that involve lots of money. That’s scary stuff. Sometimes thinking these through makes me lose sleep at night and that really annoys me. I wish I could just dream and then make the right decision but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
In addition, I got a letter from my council last week proposing to buy nearly 26 square metres of my land so it can widen a laneway that goes around half of my property. I don’t have that much land and this would be a fair chunk of it which includes two fairly well-established trees and a garden shed. Part of me thinks the money would be good and the rest of me wants to tell them to get stuffed. They also want half of my driveway. It’s obvious from google earth that it’s a driveway and I don’t know what the thought process was in including that in the land they want. It would make getting in and out of my driveway very difficult. So this is another thing I have to think about – an unwelcome thing.
Then there’s the small day-to-day decisions that are part of every day life. These smaller decisions will hopefully make my daily life run smoother and now that school is back things have certainly become more hectic. On Wednesdays JJ has piano practise, cricket practise, a small window of time to eat dinner, and then cub scouts. I feel dizzy just thinking about it. At least all his activities aside from sport on Saturday mornings are all over and done with in one day.
Along with these things are the forms that come with it giving the powers that be details about himself and myself, over and over again. Twice already I’ve had to apologise to the scout leader for a late form and beg to see if JJ can go on a particular excursion because I didn’t get it together earlier. I think I’m getting a system in place for all of this.
So, inbetween decisions, I try to not think about having to make them and just enjoy, and enjoy the perks that being a grown-up does have.
Sometimes it would be nice to have a break from being a grown-up, wouldn’t it? We’re not fantastic with getting the forms and things back either but it’s not the end of the world. Having somewhere very specific and very visible for them to live is the way to go.
Of course nobody can really help you with a decision like resuming a relationship but I always think there is one relationship rule to live by: It should be easy. Now that doesn’t mean that there is never conflict, that’s unrealistic, but it does mean that it should flow, you should find joy and relaxation in each others company and should both feel totally accepted and safe emotionally. Successful relationships are always like this in my experience and anything else is not worth wasting your time on. Hope you come to a decision that makes you happy.
Thanks, that sounds like a pretty good thing to live by and I’ll keep it in mind.
Sometimes being a grown-up DOES suck! I guess there are some perks…but sometimes we really have to look hard to find them. Decisions…big and small…are definitely not always a fun part of it. Being a mum to an adorable, loving, funny, active boy is definitely a HUGE perk. ~Joy xo
That is definitely a huge perk Joy.
I think it is 2012 as I feel exactly the same (about similar things what’s more!). It is a year of movement. i felt that the minute it started. No advice though as I am struggling myself but like what Al (?) wrote about how it should be easy. I am thinking, I shouldn’t have to force myself to be nice to someone, I should want to be (different situation I know). You’re doing an amazing job.
If we could only turn back the hands of time and be kids again, right? But sadly, that isn’t possible. We have to take on the responsibility of making grown up decisions, especially for our kids who depend so much on us. I guess we should try to be a little less hard on ourselves when we make mistakes. Sometimes we do take the wrong turn at the crossroads…
My first reaction is don’t sell your land. You will never get it back and I’m guessing the council don’t care about your driveway at all.
I can assure you that getting in and out of your driveway easily is a blessing that you will miss greatly when it is taken away from you.
Growing up is hard! I still think I make better decisions than my parents, so I don’t want to go back to being a child, but wow! So hard!
I keep coming back to not selling my land. You’re right I won’t get it back and believe me, I’ve no intention of giving up my driveway. That’s just insanity on their part to even suggest it. I’ve got a couple of people from the council coming over next week for a chat about it.