Sunday, 4 September 2011, Day 285/365.
Last Sunday was Father’s day and my gorgeous son made me a card. He knows that his father isn’t around and has had nothing to do with him and recognises that I try and fill that void.
In the past he’s made cards for his Pop and last year The Surfer got something, but this year it was me.
And what did we do on Father’s Day? We went to the Royal Adelaide Show. A great day for a father being hassled to buy this and do that.
We had a pretty good time but needed the odd rest so a seat in the grandstand to watch things in the main arena was in order.
We had a look around the various exhibition halls and some of the animals. We spent the minimal amount of time in sideshow alley. I hate how all the rides music trys to compete with each other and you can’t hear yourself think.
We did go on the ferris wheel while waiting for the fireworks to begin and it was cold but we had a great view of the night time show and surrounds.
When we were on the ferris wheel we could see another ‘ride’ that looked too good not to let the kids go on. At $12 each I think they enjoyed, no they did enjoy it. It looked like fun. You can see JJ below in his bubble.
Each person hops in their own deflated bubble then block their ears while the bubble is pumped up. They then roll into the shallow pool of water and push themselves around on it. It looked like a lot of fun.
Finally the fireworks.
The only reason we went to the Show this year was because I am earning money again. If I was still not working there’s no way we could have afforded it.
I didn’t spend heaps of money there but by the time you get tickets in, eat some food, buy some drinks, get a showbag and go on some rides it sure eats through your money.
I saw some families with three times as many showbags as there were people. Luckily JJ only wanted one that was around $12, and not one of the $25 ones. I steered clear of the lolly/sweet ones because I think I eat enough of that stuff and there was nothing else that I felt like buying so I didn’t get one.
I’m quite happy wandering around looking at the various exhibits and the animals and the various happenings in the main arena.
If I can avoid it I will for some years to come and then JJ will be old enough to go with his mates. Call me a killjoy but I’d rather pay the money to go and see a band or a movie, or go to a themepark where you pay an entry fee and all the rides are included.