Wednesday, 3 August 2011, Day 253/365.
I like how the days are getting lighter longer. I took this photo on the home stretch of our morning walk. I’ve started walking a bit longer.
It takes us nearly half an hour and I don’t think it will be too long before I have to do a figure eight around our house so I can drop Monty off half way as she struggles for the last half of our walk.
It used to be that she would either be in front or at my side for the whole walk but now she’s quite often behind me. I notice that she wants to stop and sniff more, or is it a ploy to have a rest?
She still loves to go for walks as when I get the lead out she jumps around me all excited as she did ever since I got her. I don’t want to wish the time upon us when this doesn’t happen but it’s getting closer and closer.
But I don’t want to be all morbid. I want to enjoy her while we’ve still got her.