This time ten years ago I gave birth to a healthy 9lb 6oz baby boy.
I can’t believe ten years have passed already. He’s nearly as tall as me now and it won’t be long before he is taller than me, and I’m not a shorty.
The labour of having him was fairly lengthy. It took 24 hours all up and I made the mistake of phoning a couple of people before I went off to the hospital at around 8pm the night before thinking I’d have him by midnight. HAH!
I wanted to have him on the 25th because that was my nana’s birthday and him having the same birthday would have been great. It wasn’t to be however.
I eventually pushed him out – and it nearly didn’t happen that way and I wonder how things might have panned out if I wasn’t so determined not to have a caesarean.
We stayed for three nights in the hospital and came home on the Friday morning. I didn’t even know how to put disposable nappies on a baby. I soon learned of course, and I even learned how to use cloth nappies. I always liked the clean cloth nappies on the line and I learned that dogs like eating little accidents!
When he was three months old I got up to feed him and watched as planes flew into the World Trade Centre buildings. That was nearly ten years ago.
He was as good as gold that day I brought him home, sleeping – well sleeping like a baby when all the visitors were there.
That night was a completely different story. I don’t think got to sleep until about 5am and when the nurse rang me at 9am I asked if I could send him back and I wasn’t really joking.
I tell JJ the story of how he cried that first night at home and give him a demonstration. He thinks it’s funny. He won’t when it’s his turn is all I can say.
I’ve been a sole parent for the whole of his life and it’s not always been easy with no emotional or financial support for him but we’re getting through it.
I think he was brought to me to help teach me patience and learn about unconditional love. He’s certainly tested my patience during these ten years but he’s made me laugh too.
Here’s a few photos.
Here’s a video of him which demonstrates how charming and how silly he can be.
Happy birthday to my boy and as this post goes to air let’s hope we’ve all survived the sleepover/party he had last night.
I love you JJ xxxxoooo
Missy Boo says
Happy 10th Birthday to your gorgeous young man 🙂
Joy says
Oh my gosh….10 years old. These pics are just too cute of JJ…and what a good looking guy he has grown to be. That baby picture is so adorable I can hardly stand it. Happy Birthday sweet boy….Big hugs to you both… ~Joy xo