For some time at the beginning of our summer it was pretty awful weather here, ie too cool for summer but lately it’s finally warmed up. The Surfer lives pretty close to the beach so we often stay at his ‘beach pad’ and head down to the beach for a swim.
The water, along with the weather, has finally warmed up too so it’s been beautiful to get in without taking forever and a day because it’s too cold.
Monty has been coming to the beach with us and has been pretty good at staying around the shore while we’re in the water and keeping an eye on us. She won’t come in when there’s any hint of swell which there is where we go swimming.
I was remarking the other day how she’d been really good and not barked at us while we were in the water as she used to do but guess what she did not two minutes after I said that? It may have been because of the other dog nearby who was also barking.
The photo above is after boogie boarding at the beach last Friday. The water was really strong and rough and we got sandblasted when getting out because of the wind. It wasn’t very pleasant. JJ manages to handle himself pretty well in the surf even when we accidentally got caught up in a bunch of surfers because we drifted over too far. We’d gone so far that Monty was about 50m down the beach looking out for us and we were nowhere near her after our drift.
It’s Australia Day tomorrow and I’ve got four days off after that before I have to get back to work so I’m looking forward to more swimming.
Joy says
That first picture is beautiful…the colors of the sand, water and sky are so vibrant. I hope you’re enjoying your four days off Jen…Happy swimming…