Today is my birthday – well it’s tonight now. I’ve spent the day at work where I was quite spoiled. A colleague baked a delicious cake, everyone sang me happy birthday and gave me a lovely present – a ring. I’d worn a ring to work that a girlfriend gave me last year and just after I got to work I noticed the ‘stone’ on the top had come off. It was obviously a cheap ring. The ‘silver’ had pretty much worn off too so I wasn’t too devastated. My new ring should last quite a bit longer.
The Surfer spent the night last night so he gave me my birthday present this morning as he’s off on a school camp with his daughter tonight. He remembered about my stationery fetish so brought some stationery from Smiggles for me plus a ticket for a festival early next year.
My phone has been buzzing all day with text messages and phone calls and my Facebook wall is covered with birthday wishes. So even though I’m now 44 years old I don’t really care because I do love the birthday celebration.
My sister even organised some flowers and a card from my son so that was rather special – bless her.
The photo at the top was one I took on our recent long weekend trip away to Yorke Peninsula. The Surfer was out near where these dolphins were and JJ was splashing about in the water closer to shore. I had to yell out to him to have a look at the dolphins before I madly took some photos. It was a very special early birthday present, especially as they came back the next day. I wish the water had been warmer and I would have considered swimming out, although there was a rip so it might not have been a good thing to do.
I’m about to go and watch an episode of The Amazing Race and then it will be an early night for me. I couldn’t get to sleep last night then I dreamt about christmas trees this morning – enough to frighten the life out of me.
Happy birthday!
Hope you had a lovely day, Mz Jen 🙂
Happy Birthday to you! I wish you good health, above all things, and happiness in all that yyou do 😀
Oh Poop…I missed your birthday Jen. I was away in California visiting Jory, Jesse and brand new baby Liv; which was just wonderful.
Happy Belated Birthday sweetie. It sounds like you had a very nice day. Love to you…. ~Joy