One of my new favourite websites is (PSDTUTS is short for Photoshop Tutorials – the PSD is the Photoshop file extension). It’s laid out really well for the novice by showing step-by-step instructions on how to do stuff in Photoshop from scratch, and with existing photos. I was having a play around with this tutorial and thought I’d adapt it for my own website banner.
You may have to refresh the page to see the new banner, or here’s a thumbnail.
If you’ve clicked over to look at the tutorial you’ll note that mine is very very different from it. I took the principals of the tutorial and went quite off track – really off track. Instead of using a gradient I used a pattern which explains the texture, although there still is a gradient or two included. I also used some brushes because I love brushes. I already had some brushes I’d downloaded previously but I found some more at Obsidian Dawn. Did I say I love brushes?
I don’t begin to use half of the features in Photoshop but I want to make it my mission to learn to do so.
This was my old web banner.
Cool – it looks great Jen !
ha – it was refreshed and not showing, but when I came in to comments it has changed to the new design – very cool.
Yeah, cool! But if you are looking for more Photoshop brushes (42 cool and free brushes) on the net, I’ve got a hint: Go, download!
The new header looks great and thanks for the link. I really want to learn how to use Photoshop more and tutorials that explain it in words I can understand (ie not photoshop jargon) are fantastic!
That’s really pretty!
Well done 🙂
Definitely loving your new banner. Love the colours and design. Well done!