We ventured into the city this morning and went into the Central Market. Arriving absolutely drenched from the welcome rain we’ve had all morning, we walked to a couple of stalls and then I saw Santa accepting kids’ wish lists so I asked JJ if he wanted to see Santa. Of course he did so we lined up. Santa was very friendly and chatty to the kids in line before us and when JJ got on his lap he spoke so quietly (which is SO unlike him) that poor Santa had a hard time hearing him.
JJ told him that he’s made a list and he’s wishing for, a laptop, a ukulele, a scooter, snorkel and goggles and a real magic wand.
We walked off pretty happy with that and on our way to the last stop I realised that JJ wasn’t next to me. I looked around and saw a guy who’d obviously got in JJ’s way, or the other way around. Or at least that’s what I initially thought. This guy almost had JJ in a hug while trying to get around him which I soon realised was a bit strange. Usually if a kid gets in my way and I can’t avoid them because they aren’t looking where they’re going, I’ll say excuse me and maybe put my hand on their shoulder to let them know that someone is trying to get past. I won’t give them a full hug. JJ’s since told me that he was trying to get around this guy and this guy kept bumping into him.
This guy could see that I’d turned around and obviously knew I was the adult with the child he was hugging, or ‘bumping’ into to, and let him go. This could have all been quite innocent but I’m not usually given to paranoia and this felt like a strange incident to me. I reiterated to JJ that if he didn’t like the way that anyone touches him, to yell out for me, or to just yell.
Oh Jen, how scary – I have shivers reading this, and am both scared and angry for you.
I don’t even want to think about alternatives to you finding him and the guy “playing innocent” – ugh.
Lots of hugs to you and JJ.