I’m in the process of moving my blog. I hope to have it done before I host the All Women Carnival next Monday.
So if you get any trackbacks that look like they have my content but come from a different domain, it’s just me testing this until I switch over to the semanticallydriven.com domain. Thanks to Meg from Dipping into the Blogpond for alerting me to a potential blog scrape.
I must say that it’s a damn site harder than I imagined. I really need to have a day off to knuckle down and do it.
A lot of the websites I’ve read that talk about moving from Typepad to WordPress give you tips but not the meat to go with the tips. Things like run an SQL command to update permalinks. I’m a little bit familiar with this type of thing, but I still need to know where to go to do stuff like this so it’s a very steep learning curve.
So the posting will be a bit light on here until I get it up and running.
Please bear with me. Thanks.
Good Luck with the move Jen, hope it all goes smoothly for you without any hiccups 🙂
Sing out if you need a hand with anything.
Good luck! I have already switched my links for you and read through the new domain anyway – well, all except the blogroll which is still undergoing reconstruction…