‘Is Big Brother real mum?’
‘Mmmm. Well sort of. They are real people who all live in a house together. But it’s an unreal type of situation.’
‘So is it make believe?’
‘Yes, kind of. While they’re not acting as such, they don’t really know each other yet they live together. And Big Brother makes them do things, like these Friday Night Games, so we can watch it on telly.’
‘So I wouldn’t take it too seriously. Apart from the Games, all they really do is talk about each other because there’s not much else to do and that’s not how people normally carry on when they live together.’
The “reality” show that gets me is The Apprentice. I’ve never in all my years in the work force seen such a collection of pretty faces and empty heads and grating personalities. The real world doesn’t look or interact that way.
I wouldn’t doubt that there are a lot of children asking questions about these reality shows….they’re difficult for many adults to fathom…let alone kids.