Last week I talked about JJ going on and on about his kindy teacher. He continues to do it and it’s gone to the stage where he calls me her name. We have similar names that both start with a J and we’ll be walking down the street after kindy and he’ll say her name when trying to get my attention.
I ignore him until he realises that he’s called me something else and then says mummy instead.
It’s like if I had a boyfriend who has another woman and confuses our names. And this other woman is an invisible presence in our midst until a little while after kindy (probably around the time I get him some dinner) and he forgets about her until the next time. I was almost feeling jealous of her invisible presence but I realise it’s a boyhood crush and really I’m still number one in his life.
JJ did concede last night that his kindy worker has told him that fairies are pretend. I asked him how he felt about that and he was fine. I thought he would be devastated but he took it in his stride.
The fairies still make a mention in our everyday lives though. I think this is because I haven’t told him that I think they are pretend so he can still talk about them with me.