Last weekend I went to a barbeque – I think I’ve already mentioned that in my snippets post. I’d packed up the car with food (meat, salad and a packet of crisps so JJ had his own stash – unfortunately he ate them all then didn’t want any barbeque), spare and warmer clothes and hats – I thought there was lots more and this doesn’t sound like much but it takes a while to organise so it was a relief to finally get in the car. The only thing I didn’t have was something to drink. I didn’t feel like drinking the wine I had on hand so I had to go to the shop to get beer. I never see the point in just buying a six pack when it’s so much more economical to buy a slab (24 beers).
Not wanting to leave the rest of the slab in a warm car for the afternoon I bought the beer and dropped back by my place to put the rest of it inside. Just outside the front of my place a car was parked and another car was sitting next to it in the middle of the street (that’s the whole road taken up on my narrow street) with it’s door open and absolutely no room for me to get past.
I pulled up behind it and beeped my horn to let them know that I was there. Nobody sprang to action to move the car but the driver sauntered out from the house across the road from me, turned around to face me and gave me the finger. He then proceeded to get in his car and drive off. I don’t know if he realised that I live across the road from him and could potentially make life hell for him by getting up early and making loud noises out the front of my house with my dog and my kid while he’s trying to sleep in from a late and boozy night.
I’m presuming that this guy actually lives across the road. I recognised the car so I’m guessing he does. There is such a high turnover in that house that I suppose he won’t live there for long anyway and I’ll get to enjoy the next lot of uncouth neighbours that don’t show me any courtesy at all. For some reason it’s always boys that live there. There was a woman there for about one or two weeks earlier this year but it’s never a sharehouse full of girls and boys and girls.
The house must be that dreadful that only boys who don’t care too much for an inside toilet live in it. I’m guessing about the toilet situation as I’ve never been there, but there has to be a reason a bunch of girls don’t live there. Not that a bunch of girls would be necessarily be any more courteous though.