A friend organised a garden party for her birthday. You would think that holding a garden party in nearly the middle of spring you would be fairly lucky with the weather, or not.
Unfortunately it was the crappiest day since the middle of winter. It rained nearly all day and all night so we all huddled either under the marquee, in the cute little caravan they’ve got in their backyard or in the room out the back, oh, and in the kitchen where the drinks and food were.
It was a good party but would have been so much more enjoyable if the weather had been more in line with spring.
I had offloaded JJ for what was going to be nearly a whole day prior to the party and just as I was about to walk into the party my babysitter rang. Damnit, I thought, I haven’t even had a drink yet and I might have to go pick him up. But luckily everything was ok, she just needed clarification about JJ’s allergies.
Not only did I have this phone call but I had one for a friend about her daughter. In the three years I’ve been going out without JJ and carting my phone around all these times this is the first time I’ve ever been called on it for an issue with my child. This is lucky I guess. I would hate to go out and get a call saying JJ is being unbearable, or he’s eaten some nuts and is sick, come and get him. Actually no-one’s ever told me that JJ is unbearable and the time he did inadvertently have a peanut butter sandwich I was in the next room.
I guess your odds HAVE been incredibly good. Couldn’t be that he’s just a good little guy, could it? I know he’s AWFULLY cute!