Uncle Alf was my dad’s father’s brother. He’s a bit of a handsome devil isn’t he? This photo was taken way, way before I was born and I don’t even know when it was.
Uncle Alf never married and he lived with his brother (my grandpa) and my grandma. My grandpa died when I was about five and Uncle Alf and grandma continued to share a house for the rest of their lives. I don’t know that grandma had a choice in the matter and I don’t know what she thought of it but they seemed to get on okay with each other.
Uncle Alf used to drive our school bus most mornings and most afternoons. In the afternoons he would have prepared a small bag of lollies for me and my two sisters that he would give us as we got on the bus. It was a really sweet thing of him to do (pardon the awful pun).
On the last day of a school term if there weren’t enough people for the big school bus he would get his immaculate Chevrolet Impala out of his garage and ferry all the kids that would normally be on the school bus home. Luxury.