Winter has hit us with a vengeance in the last two weeks. It’s rained nearly every day and it’s cold. Last night was particularly windy, cold and rainy to the point where I had a hard time getting to sleep and when I had been asleep for a while I would wake up and need to go to the toilet. Our toilet is down the other end of the house from the bedrooms which is awful at the best of times, but even worse on a cold and stormy night.
The weather must have woken JJ up also as I heard him go to the toilet around 3am. He also obviously had trouble going back to sleep as he toddled up to my room and stood at the door saying, ‘The rain’s too loud mummy. I can’t go back to sleep.’
I told him to just hop back in bed and count himself to sleep. Duh! As if that would work. In other words I was too lazy to get out of bed to comfort him and I didn’t want him in my bed as he’d taken his nappy off and my bed hasn’t got a mattress protector.
After he moaned and grizzled a bit more, and after I said I couldn’t stop the rain a couple of times, I got up, we both went to the toilet – again – and I tucked him in his own bed.
I had to wake him up this morning.