It was mum’s birthday last Friday so I went over home for the weekend. As I don’t work Fridays I normally go over early afternoon and avoid traffic but this time I picked up my sister in the city after she finished school for the day so we got the after 5pm traffic and it was awful compared to my normal travelling time.
There’s a dual lane to Port Wakefield but after that we were at the mercy of a single lane and incompetent drivers being too scared to overtake the slow vehicle in front. I ended up overtaking three vehicles at once and if someone had been coming the other way suddenly there was no room to move back inbetween the three cars.
If you’re not going to overtake people, leave some bloody room.
I had a lovely weekend after I got over my headache I had all Friday night and put up with because I didn’t know where any painkillers were and I didn’t want to wake anyone up. Saturday lunch time we had a birthday barbeque for mum and then I headed up to my sisters place for the night. A good friend lives next door and another good friend of both of us was visiting so we all sat around and chatted for a long time. Just as well they were there because my sister was hung over from the previous night and my brother in law went to the pub. I guess I would have gone with him had nobody else been around.
Yesterday was an uneventful and non-stressful drive home and an early night with a solid sleep.